Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Silhouettes and Minimalism


 I thought minimalism was a really hard theme to take pictures of because I'm more drawn towards bright things with a lot of detail. For me it was really hard to find minimalistic things to photograph. I liked this picture because if the paint had been in perfect shape it would have changed the picture and I liked the random cracks in the paint.
 I liked this picture because I think streets are very interesting. I was hoping that this had minimalistic qualities because of the blandness of the sidewalk but also be interesting because of the crack.

I really liked this picture because you can't really tell what it is an it's very minimalistic in that nothing is really going on. But I rally liked the dent towards the bottom of the picture because I thought it made it look more interesting.
I liked this picture because of the texture of the pain on the wall. I thought that it made it look more interesting because it wasn't a completely smooth wall. 

For my minimalist pictures I focused on minding textures that I liked because finding something so simple was really hard for me. 
 I really likes looking at the silhouettes of the trees against the sky so I wanted to capture different kinds of trees in different colored skies. I really liked this one because you could really see all the details on the branches.
 I really liked this picture because the branches were really thin so you could see the colored sky behind the tree. I really like taking pictures of sunset and I liked incorporating the silhouettes in with the sky.
 For this picture, I tried to take the trees from a different angle from the other pictures showing that you can still see the silhouettes of the trees against the sky.
This was my favorite picture because I really liked the sunset and I thought the trees in the foreground made it really complete. The silhouettes of the trees were a large part of the picture and I really liked how this picture turned out. 
 Even though this picture came out a little blurry I liked how the blurry branches looked against the sky. I also liked how the tree kind of faded into the silhouette of the rooftops.

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