Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dorothea Lange

I really liked the picture she took with the car in front of the store in a city when I was trying to recreate the composition I found it really hard to find a car on it's own in front of a store. I was't able to exactly replicate the composition because there were so many parked cars that the only way for me to get a car on it's own was to have it off center. 

For this picture, I tried to recreate the composition of the people's body language in the original. It was really hard to remember the exact composition while we were out taking picture so if I were to take it again I would try to frame it a little different because I ended up having to crop the picture. 

I tried to recreate the angle that she created when taking a picture of a car. My picture definitely doesn't look as good because there are no people sitting on the top of the car and cars now are a lot more enclosed and shiny; but I liked the transformation that cars have gone through since she took her picture. 

I noticed that she took a lot of pictures of roads going off into the distance and roads with cars. I liked how she was able to get a picture in the middle of the road. It was hard for me to get a picture in the exact middle of the road because there are a lot of people making right turns so you can't stay in the middle of the crosswalk for very long. I liked how the streets with the cars looked similar except for the modern cars and stores around the road. 

I really liked how she made a window into a composition. I also really liked how you can see shadows of the trees in the window.

I also tried to take some portraits since most of her pictures were portraits.

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