Thursday, October 9, 2014

Richard Avedon

For this picture, I tried to make my model laugh so I could capture the way their face while they were actually laughing instead of trying to pose.
For this picture, I was also trying to to capture my model actually laughing. I told her that I was going to take a picture but I took several pictures of her while I was talking to her before. I really like this one because I think that it really captured what she looks like when she laughs not in front of a camera.
For this picture I liked how neutral she looked. She doesn't really have any expression on her face and I liked how natural it looked.
This is the picture I took after the one above with the same model. I really liked this picture because it contrasts so much with the first one I took. For the first one she's laughing and in this one she looks very neutral.
For this picture, I tried to direct my model a certain way but you can see that she is about to laugh. I really liked this picture because I thought it showed several emotions in one. 

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